Saturday, August 31, 2013

The life of a traveler

If you’re like me then you’ve moved quite a lot of times and you know how much it hurts to leave your friends behind every time.

Welcome to my life i’m 12 ( nearly 13 ). I’ve lived in 5 countries I was born in Turkey, then went to Gabon,Egypt,London and Vietnam, and every time I leave my friends behind which sucks !!! I could spend hours telling you all my friends.

Daniella,Isabella,Mariana,Ross,Tom,Finn,Alexander x2,Angel, Sean … 2 HOURS LATER …  Anthony,Aiden,Vicky (AVS),Noah (Natzi),Piers (Nemrod) and Callaghan ( Callaghan didn’t really have a nickname ). Let’s not forget my enemy Sandra Smith aka D.L=DARK LORD and she’s a racist she wouldn’t sit next to a lady on the tube because she was wearing the muslim scarf thing on her head and then she said “ I have my reasons .” ( She’s a bitch and of course she denies it .)

I’m not exaggerating you touch her and she starts crying !!! Or someone accidentally hits her with a snowball and she tells the teacher, she’s so lame ,I  mean really telling the teacher (lamo) !!!

We went on class verte which is like a week of sport during the school year we went to the north of England it was great we did rock climbing, paragliding and a lot of games. During all of these activities Sandra was moaning and complaining ( how stupid is that, the one week where we miss school to do something cool and fun she keeps on complaining !!! ) + she screams and I mean extremely loud screams at night ( even the boys across 3 corridors and 2 doors could hear her I am not over- exaggerating ), I mean it by the 3rd day I was plotting to murder her in her sleep, fortunately I was meditating at night !!! And apparently she has this special gum that she could only give to jews so we asked Noah who is a jew to ask for a piece of gum and she said no what a hypocrite  . ( and yes I know it’s weird but Noah is a jewish Natzi .)

On class verte there was a boom which is a dance and only the girls danced except for Callaghan and Piers ( but it’s normal for Piers cause I bet he’s gay he just doesn’t want to admit it ) none of the boys danced at all. It was a great night because I came to the dance with Callaghan, Vicky went with Antony but at the end Vicky ended up with Piers !!! ( two timer lol joking )

In the whole universe I could not imagine someone who actually likes Sandra and if they do it’s because they do it out of pity. I mean she’s a crazy and she doesn’t do any homework and then lies, you could not please her if your life depends on it         ( unless you get her a puppy every time she’s upset and trust me there aren’t enough puppy’s in the world ). I’m not joking !!! 

Anyway never mind I’ve now moved to Vietnam so I don’t need to worry about that person anymore !!! But back to the past, so we went back to our dreary school and I tripped over a case and hurt myself which was weird because we did a whole week of sport and I didn’t get hurt yet when i’m out of danger (finally) and I get hurt in my own school ( how freaky am I ? ) 
PS: If you really want to know ask my friends, I’m sure if you ask Vicky she’ll tell you all sorts of things.

The rest of the year was pretty boring except when Vicky wrote a letter to Sandra and I got punished, this is what I should have put as the punishment .
  • (what did I do : I watched vicky write.
    •        why did I do it : Because i’m not blind.
      •      What should have I done : I should have been born blind.) 
        Actually I should sent a remake of that punishment to my teacher by email , he can’t do anything about it if we’re a 14 hour flight away can he ? hahahahaha

        So the end of the year flew by pretty quickly after that I cried on the last day of school ‘cuz I was pretty sure I was never gonna see my friends again ( how naive was I ) Technology was invented ( duh ) of course i’ll see them again but on a computer screen every Saturday,Sunday and Monday. And of course there’s also Corsica this summer did I forget to mention that .

        THE END ( not )

        I will continue this story this summer in Corsica see you there !!!

        The continuous story

        So  this summer is about  to end ! And it was AWESOME , But it wasn’t the same as before.  I mean  have you ever  had a really close  bond with leave , then  come back and  not be on the inside jokes !

        I mean  SKYPE works pretty  well but it’s not the same thing as being there and living the same experience as your friend ! Ow well I guess that’s life !

        written by A.M.P


        Me and vicky

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